The KMTX Open & Fair Manifesto

1 min readMar 22, 2021


We know what you’re thinking. Digital advertising sucks, right? Especially for the average user.

‘Privacy’ is a joke, with all the enforceability which comes with an opt-out tick box. Business practices are shady. User experience… an afterthought.

Of course, it used to be worse. Then, gradually innovation made it a little better. Pop-ups, intrusive ads… they’re now close to extinct.

And things are changing.

Regulation across the world is evolving, catching up.
Suddenly, privacy matters and is to be protected. Fought for.

But the ecosystem is at risk.

The walled gardens, the path that led us to where we are now, gain more control, while the advertising industry becomes increasingly opaque and more closed off than ever.

There is a fight for openness. For fairness.

These foundations of the web have always delivered positive innovations.

Built within these foundations, advertising powers freedom of speech and allows content and information to be widely available, to everyone.

KMTX drives innovation to make the web a better place.

One step at a time.
Built with Science.
Open. Fair.

In a room fill with flat earthers, it pays to be Galileo.

This article was originally published on KMTX.




Media decisions built with science.